Wagtail stands as the foundational Content Management System (CMS) for the PoliRuralPlus project's website and the overarching Hub4Everybody.

Project arranged in the end of the April the first tutorial for consortium members on Wagtail functionalities and website procedures in project communication and results dissemination.

PoliRuralPlus project leverages the latest in web technology to advance its mission of promoting rural development and fostering community collaboration.

24042024 website training

About Wagtail

Wagtail is a CMS that is written in Python and incorporates the open source Django web framework. Django has been around for almost two decades and is used by companies like Spotify and Instagram. Wagtail was created in 2014 and has since been adopted by organisations such as NASA, Google, and the National Health Service. The advantages of Wagtail include:

  • Customisation: From the data structures to the frontend, Wagtail is very easy to customize to meet the specific needs of a project.
  • Flexibility: Wagtail scales very well and can be extended very easily to incorporate any custom features a project requires.
  • Enterprise features: Wagtail includes permissions, workflows, reports, history tracking, and other features that large teams need.
  • Security: Wagtail incorporates Django's security features, which includes protection against many common attack methods.

Where did the Wagtail name come from?

Wagtails are pretty little birds from the Motacilla family. From spring to autumn they gather on the lawns outside Torchbox's offices, charming Torchbox staff and their visitors. Torchbox wanted a name which had a sense of light and delight. Plus birds make easy logos.

Source: https://wagtail.org/
