The PoliRuralPlus project has selected “DEMO-IT” as a regional action to support the activities of Stakeholders engagement and outreach strategy of the Italian pilot.

The overall approach will revolve around the connection with the local actors (especially consumers and producers) and the identification of needs and strategies for supporting/promoting Short Food Supply Chain models.

This first phase will benefit of a network that have been established with key stakeholders over the years and which will be extended with new actors throughout the action. Focus groups will be set up with the participation of different categories such as representatives of cooperatives, representatives of employers' associations, agronomists, LAGs, consumers’ associations and researchers. The multi-actor approach will contribute to understand the needs and prospects of the sector from different perspectives. Besides the focus groups, surveys and technical panels will help acquire more information/data from one side and provide practical and technical support on the other.

Harvesting season

All in all, the DEMO-IT project wants to promote and make producers and consumers aware of innovative short supply chain models not only through the most popular e-commerce approaches, but also through other less known yet successful solutions. In this approach, participants will also look at existing good practices that have emerged in different European initiatives such as SKIN and COREnet.