The Slovak pilot of the PoliruralPlus project was featured at the Rural Forum which was held on October 25-26, 2024 at the Žilina Self-Governing Region Office, under the theme "Smart Rural Communities in the Digital Era – Future of Rural Development in Slovakia."

The event attracted public sector representatives, rural development experts, and leaders of civic initiatives and foreign guests who gathered to jointly discuss the digital transformation and modernization of Slovakia's rural areas.

A memorandum of cooperation between the Žilina Self-Governing Region and the Slovak Youth Rural Parliament setting the foundation for greater youth involvement in rural development initiatives was presented.

The introductory lectureImplementing a Digital Europe and Building a Fairer an Inclusive Union” was delivered by Radim Dvořák, Deputy Head of the European Commission Representation in Slovakia. Discussions on innovations and technological solutions continued in a panel format, where experts and policymakers explored ways to improve infrastructure and quality of life in rural areas. It was moderated by Marián Koren from The discussion focused on the digital transformation of rural areas and the challenges of building an inclusive Europe.

The panel discussion was attended by Erika Jurinová – Governor of the Žilina Self-Governing Region, Katarína Roth Neveďalová – Member of the European Parliament, Radim Dvořák – Deputy Head of the European Commission in Slovakia, Róbert Palider – Vice-Chair of the Association of Young Farmers in Slovakia (ASYF) and Veronika Korčeková – representative of the EU CAP Network.

It highlighted the key role of rural communities in modernising and improving the quality of life. Smart rural communities should focus not only on digitalisation, but also on social innovation, youth and women's engagement, green solutions and cooperation, creating stronger and more sustainable communities in the digital era.

Afterwards, over 100 participants were divided into 4 thematic workshops, which provided a space for exchanging experiences and finding solutions to specific rural challenges, such as role of rural women and youth in sustainable development, the implementation of the EU Rural pact through sustainable development initiatives and involvement of local communities and the concept of smart villages.

A special guest Radim Sršeň, the Czech Deputy Minister for Rural Development introduced the Czech experience with the EU Rural Pact.

Recent Developments and Context: The Forum aligned with several initiatives and funding opportunities available under the EU’s Digital Europe Programme, Horizon Europe, and the European Green Deal, which collectively aim to support rural modernization, sustainable energy, and digital transformation. Additionally, the event aligns with the goals of PoliRuralPlus, a project focusing on rural-urban linkages and the sustainable development of rural communities through stakeholder engagement and the use of digital tools like enhanced spatial mapping. The event in Žilina represents a step towards establishing a digitally empowered rural community, aiming for greater youth engagement and a stronger voice in European rural policies​​​.

These discussions are particularly timely, considering Slovakia's participation in EU-driven policies for sustainable rural-urban cooperation, which emphasize inclusive growth and support local digital infrastructure projects to bridge the gap between urban and rural settings​​.
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