The Short Food Supply Chain (SFSC) represents for the Apulia region an important and consolidated reality. In the past there have been several regional and international projects that valorised the small entrepreneurial activities. For instance the project “Circuito corto dei contandini” (Short chain of farmers) and the quality district “Terre Ferediciane” (both financed by measure 421 of the RDP Puglia 2007-2013), which have been carried out respectively by the LAG “TERRE di Murgia” and the LAG “Ponte Lama”. In the first case, the project had as a primary objective the valorisation of typical local products and rural tourism thanks to a market development strategy for the short food supply chain and zero-km food, mainly oriented to raise awareness among children. The second project led to the creation of the first business network of companies in a short supply chain, network that received the name of “Ve.Di. Puglia” (from the Spin-off of the Ismea national VE.DI. project) with 24 participating companies.
These and many other initiatives combined with regional awareness and determination towards sustainable supply chain models were the incentive for the drafting and subsequent enactment of the Regional Law N.16 of April the 30th 2018, with the name: “Rules for the valorisation and promotion of zero kilometre agricultural and agri-food products and on the direct sale of agricultural products” (link to the regional law ).

The regional law intends to enhance the use of short supply chain schemes and the consumption of zero-kilometre products also in the catering sector, and to support the establishment of forms of association among companies for the cultivation, production, transformation and marketing of zero-kilometre products. Another important aspect of the law is the art. 3 paragraph 1 as the Region supports the supply and use of zero-kilometre products in public procurement for collective catering services and the supply of local agricultural and agri-food products.
This is not the only regional law that encourages SFSCs, already in 2012 (regional law of December the 13th, 2013) the Apulia Region had issued a regional law on Ethical Purchasing Groups (Gruppi di Acquisto Solidale - GAS) in which the Region supports the purchasing groups that have a direct relationship with small agricultural producers. The law promotes actions for the diffusion and knowledge of GAS models, of their networks, of farmers' markets, as well as of the qualitative characteristics and high health contents of the local products.
The laws mentioned above represent a starting point towards a sustainable consumption model. Creating a system of knowledge and awareness towards the consumption of short supply chain products represents the goal we must contribute to through the Polirural Plus project. Unfortunately, it is difficult to think that consumers from big cities will start commuting to farms to buy local fresh products, like if it were the classic “weekend trip out of town”. However, it is necessary to take into consideration new models and approaches in purchasing local products! There is the need to work hard on consumers engagement and awareness, but also on the business knowledge and opportunities of producers in a way that the two actors can cooperate to create new forms of direct sales in large cities (door-to-door vans, specialized shops managed by producers where short supply chain products can be purchased, short supply chain restaurants in beautiful large cities). This can only happen with awareness raising activities and with the support of the governance.